
Onag is a consulting company specializing in telecommunications and business finance. Our service include comprehensive technical and administrative support from the planning of activities towards the set project goals to implementation and maintenace. We ensure that activities are carried out in accordance with regulations and legal constraints within the set period of time. Our services are performed conscientiously and professionally. We are committed to customer and are interested in building long-term and high-quality partner relationship.


Cooperation shall have the aim of enabling simpler and more efficient management of the project in terms of faster and more successful realization.


Our advantages:

  • Comprehensive support from conception to completion of the project,
  • Quality and reliable performance,
  • Tailoring services to customer requirements,
  • Highly qualified staff.



ONAG, telekomunikacije in finančni inženiring, d.o.o.

Brodarjev trg 7

1000 Ljubljana

T: + 386 (0)1 540 90 18

M: + 386 (0)51 728 323

E: info@onag.si


Director: Jasmina Žujo

Registration number: 6995705000


VAT number: SI50872320

Taxpayer: DA

Bank account: IBAN SI56 6100 0001 2742 655